Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Choosing a Work Van to Do Mobile Auto Detailing - The Right Van Makes All the Difference

If you are going into the mobile auto detailing business, chances are you're going to want to work out of a van, and chances are you're going to want to have good signage on that van to get additional business. There are a number of ways you can go, and the van you choose depends on many factors.
If you are going to go behind car dealerships and detail vehicles, you might want a larger van to hold more supplies, and have a larger water tank - also a more robust portable generator so you can run multiple shop vacs for several employees at the same time.
If you are planning on having a 300 gallon polypropylene water tank, then most likely you will need a full-size Chevy or Ford van. However, if you are going to have just a 100 gallon loaf tank or 150 gallon polypropylene tank, then you might be able to get away with a very small van such as a Ford Transit van. Personally, I like the Ford transit for several reasons, one is its low price tag of about $23,000, even with all the extra options, including vinyl signage, or a signage wrap, you won't be in the vehicle for more than $28,000.
By keeping the cost of the vehicle low, that means you will have a better return on investment, and your van payments will be less - better cash flow! These small vans are also less expensive on insurance, and they get tremendously good fuel mileage if you don't drive them around all the time with a full water tank.
One thing I like about the smaller vans is the turning radius, and the ability to park in tight spaces in case you are in a full parking lot detailing a car right in the parking stall. Besides, they may cool little vehicles foreign auto service business. Please consider all this.

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